How To Get A 6 Pack Fast

A nicely toned and ripped body is what everyone desires, right? But there is a long way to go till you get your 6 pack. It requires a lot of struggle, strength and determination to get a whopping 6 pack abs. Regardless, there are some ways by which you can get a bit of a fast pace. To find out, keep on reading.

1. Increase Cardio

Cardio is a type of exercise you usually do before a workout session to increase your heart rate and get your body going with the flow of the workout. Cardio is proven to be a great form of exercise to reduce body fat and strengthen your core. Reduction of body fat can lead to better formation of a 6 pack. Lesser body fat will lead to a speedy way to toned abs and a ripped abdominal area. You will be surprised at the difference when you increase the time and intensity of cardio prior to working out.

2. Abs Exercises

If you want to get a 6 pack fast, then you need to focus on the abdominal area a lot. Try increasing abdomen exercises which will put more strain on your stomach. This will get your abdomen toned and ready for a 6 pack. Some exercises which are great for the abdomen are planks, crunches and bridges. Doing these exercises with increased intensity will help to keep your abdomen toned and will ultimately lead to the formation of a 6 pack. Also, combining abdominal exercises with cardio will help to reduce belly fat as well.

3. Protein Intake

Protein is a great source of energy which keeps you fuller for longer and helps to reduce the extra belly fat. Protein helps to keep you less hungry and gives you energy by burning the excess fat. If you combine a high protein diet with cardio and abdomen exercises, you will see a world of a difference in your belly. Some protein rich foods are meat, fish, legumes, lentils, eggs, etc. Including these foods in your diet will give you great results and will strengthen your muscles as well. Protein is considered to be a great appetite suppressor as well.

4. High Intensity Training

High intensity interval training or HIIT is a form of workout which includes short spurts of high intensity workouts. The break time between each high intensity workout is also small, so that your body is still in the swing of the workout and you can start the next high intensity session immediately. A HIIT workout of 20 minutes each day, repeating it 3 or 4 times a week, will lead to drastic results. You can start with doing a 15 minute HIIT workout for 3 times a week, then you can amplify the intensity and time.

There you have it! These tips will not work overnight, but they will surely help you reach your ab goals in a more realistic time frame.  

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